Zali Steggall’s letter of support – August 2022

→ Click here to read Zali Steggall’s two-page support letter
From Helen in Hobart:
Day upon day of letter writing, printing, addressing and stamping! Constant networking to spread the word hoping all will put climate ahead of greed and politics. Most give up and burn out, but for 3 years ADAC – A Different Approach Community have stayed true to their passion and commitment to a better future for our grandchildren. Please don’t stand by and let greed and politics destroy our planet. Please support ADAC in all their efforts. I applaud them and thank them for their persistence against huge odds.
~ Helen
ADAC Member
From Margie Abbott in Geelong:
19 October
Letter writing is a very tiny price to pay for halting the impact of runaway climate change!
A citizen’s voice can be heard in many ways and this one is an important way to inform Government of our discontent with such slow progress to cease all coal and gas exploration.
~ Margie Abbott
From Kylie in Yarraville:
Thank you ADAC for keeping up the good fight, it’s been a long hard battle and good to see you still standing strong.
~ Kylie,
Business owner
From Adele in Beaumaris:
Rob and the team at ADAC have fought tirelessly over the last few years demanding positive action on the devastating consequences of climate change.
They worked closely with Zali Steggall to get support for her bill to be brought to parliament, despite all the obvious hurdles. I’m so grateful to have this group advocating for my grandchildren for a better future.
~ Adele
From Steve in Meredith:
The ADAC provides an umbrella for the many many people seeking to improve Government and Society response to the imminent climate disaster we all face. All our children and grandchildren are waiting for us, and the other adults in the room, to follow the lead of other progressive and realistic thinkers. Rapid policy and investment decisions have to be made. The time is now and organisations like ADAC demand action.
~ Steve
From Michaela Settle in Meredith:
Dear Robert
Thank you for your email about our recent meeting in Meredith.
It was a pleasure to meet with yourself and Peter, and I look forward to catching up again in the future. Please don’t hesitate to be in touch should you think I can be of further assistance.
Yours sincerely,
Michaela Settle

From Caroline Danaher in Ocean Grove:
The letter writing campaigns that Robert and his team have accomplished over the last 3 years have been relentless and so encouraging. I have enormous respect for the task they continue to promote, sometimes against all odds. This campaign is fundamental to success, because it reaches out in a personal way, unlike many other campaigns. Robert and his team are in for the long haul. They are always looking for new and challenging ways to connect and engage through personally written letters to politicians.
~ Caroline Danaher
ADAC member
Artist and Climate Activist Thrive For Future Fridays for Future Geelong
From Vicki Perrett in Indented Head, Portarlington:
A Different Approach Community deserve our appreciation and support for their polite and persistent climate advocacy. Their regular letters highlight the important issues and remind our politicians that their first duty is to represent their constituents.
~ Vicki Perrett,
Geelong Sustainability
Zali Steggall’s thank you letter – November 2021
→ Mass Mailout 4 Climate campaign: thank you letter from Zali Steggall